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On our work

Charities H.

Mögliche Ursache für rätselhafte Hepatitis-Fälle gefunden

Süddeutsche Zeitung, July 26 2022

Geddes L.

Childhood hepatitis surge ‘probably linked to two common viruses’

The Guardian, July 25 2022


Hayward E.

Child hepatitis surge linked to Covid lockdown

The Times, July 25 2022

Mathieson SA.

How the Covid-19 Genomics UK Consortium sequenced Sars-Cov-2

ComputerWeekly, April 12 2021

Kirka D., Associated Press

UK variant hunters lead global race to stay ahead of COVID

ABC News, March 21 2021

Observer editorial

The Observer view on British scientific success on Covid-19

The Guardian, February 14 2021

Whipple T.

Genomics is secret weapon in the fight against Covid variants

The Times, February 6 2021


How Britain has done so much sequencing of the coronavirus genome

The Economist, January 16 2021

De Miguel R.

El Gobierno del Reino Unido asegura que la nueva cepa del virus es un 30% más mortal en los mayores de 60 años

El País, January 22 2021

Schraer R.

Covid: New variant found ‘due to hard work of UK scientists’

BBC, December 22 2020

Janus J.

COG-UK: is it meeting expectations?

PHG Foundation, University of Cambridge, December 21 2020


Podcast. Society of Spanish Researchers in the UK (2018)

Cirotteau T. 

Director and Screenwriter.

Qui a tue ́ Neandertal? 

Documentary. Bonne Pioche Productions (2017)


Podcast. Nature (2016)

Zimmer C.

In Neanderthals DNA, Ancient Humans May Have Left Genetic Mark

New York Times, February 17 2016


Morelle R.

Neanderthals and humans interbred '100,000 years ago'

BBC News, February 17 2016


Sample I.

Oldest known case of Neanderthal-human sex revealed by DNA test

The Guardian, February 17 2016


Ansede M.

Tuvimos hijos con los neandertales ya hace más de 100.000 años

El País, February 18 2016


Worland J.

Neanderthals and Humans Hooked Up Earlier Than We Previously Thought

Time, February 17 2016


Barras C.

Our first sex with Neanderthals happened 100,000 years ago

New Scientist, February 17 2016


Offord C.

Humans Meet Neanderthals: The Prequel

The Scientist, February 19 2016



Neanderthals and modern humans mated 100,000 years ago

The Telegraph, February 17 2016


White and Castellano

Genetische Anpassung an den Selengehalt von Nahrung in der jngsten Menschheits- geschichte

Max-Planck-Gesellschaft: Jahrbuch (2016) 

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